Read about our stories, work, and impact.

DFA CSU Helps Children of Abuse Survivors Find Calm and Peace During Transitional Times
DFA Colorado State University worked with local community partner, Alternative to Violence, to generate feasible and desirable solutions for their clients.

UC Design for America brings students together to solve problems within the community
UC Design for America brings students together to solve problems within the community.

Two New Studios Join the Network in Fall 2020!
Welcome DFA Williams and DFA UT Austin to the DFAmily! We recognize the passion and commitment of the students, mentors, and community partners that made launching their studios possible.

Design for America Teams Up with Innovation Leaders to Help Fight Against COVID-19
DFA joined with IBM Design and the World Design Organization on a design initiative to address the pandemic

Design for America recognized with prestigious National Design Award
Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum honors national program founded at Northwestern University

Stanford Design for America to begin team recruitment
Stanford DFA begins the recruiting process for its new project teams this week in hopes of bringing a combination of social impact and design to Stanford and Palo Alto.

Yale Design For America Sets Its Agenda For The Year
Tennis for the visually impaired, improving your wait at the airport, a maker space for kids and two environmental efforts are among the projects that the Yale chapter of Design for America (DFA) has set out for itself this year.

Design for America students help those living with Down syndrome
DFA students from 29 different colleges and universities meet at Northwestern University to design for disability.